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In the Vineyard

"As soon as I lie down, I fall peacefully asleep,
for you alone, O God, bring security to my dwelling." Ps 4:9

What a time to be a Catholic indeed - even more so, to be involved in VOTF! In our first year, VOTF had a growth rate in excess of 100% and if we look at activity since December, 2002, we find a surge of 150%! Affiliates worldwide now number 181. The VOTF message is moving beyond the day's news and into the mainstream of broad Catholic readership in publications that include Commonweal, National Catholic Reporter and St. Anthony Messenger. What does such growth tell us about our goals, our mission and the future of our Church? For starters, it tells us that the VOTF difference is making a difference.

If Boston is any example, it tells us that VOTF goals are resonating among more and more concerned Catholics. Over 60% of respondents in a Boston Globe Spotlight Team survey hold a favorable impression of VOTF. (You can read about the questions specifically asked about VOTF, plus cross tabs by income, age, attending Mass, and other demographics.)

It tells us that Catholics continue to be moved and galvanized by injustice.

It tells us that every new wave of interest in VOTF brings new heart to the needs and interests of survivors and to the needs and interests of our priests.

It tells us that VOTF is a significant national player in protecting our children. (See VOTF working group Protecting Our Children report on the conference held with The Massachusetts Sexual Abuse Prevention Partnership)

It tells us that survivor Brendan Gunning, in leaving Roman Catholicism, remains our brother because his hopes are ours, too. (See Letters to Editor)

It tells us that the effort to be in dialogue with our bishops and pastors matters to Catholics, whether successful or anticipated.

It tells us that being Church in communion with clergy uplifts, heals and restores.

It tells us that these are the things that matter to Catholics.

And it tells us that your financial support is extending our reach and, therefore, our mission. Please continue that support.

Recently, a new member of VOTF said he was ashamed of himself for not getting involved earlier. I reminded him that the very moment he decided to act, he became a founder of yet another bright new moment in our faith journey - like our faith, VOTF is ever-new with each new voice. The conversation brought to mind the beautiful consoling words of St. Augustine's prayer:

Late have I loved you, O beauty ever ancient, ever new!
Late have I loved you
And behold, you were within, and I without, and without I sought you.
And deformed, I ran after those forms of beauty you have made.
You were with me and I was not with you, those things held me back from you, things
whose only being was to be in you.
You called, you cried, and you broke through my deafness.
You illumined, you shone, and you chased away my blindness.
You became fragrant and I inhaled and sighed for you.
I tasted, and now hunger and thirst for you.
You touched me and I burned for your embrace.


Peggie L. Thorp, ed.


Voice of the Faithful, VOTF, "Keep the Faith, Change the Church,"
Voice of Compassion, VOTF logo(s), Parish Voice, and
Prayerful Voice are trademarks of Voice of the Faithful, Inc.

Voice of the Faithful is a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt organization.


In the Vineyard
June 2003
Volume 2, Issue 7

Page One

VOTF to Bear Witness at U.S. Bishops' Conference, St. Louis, June 19th - 21st

A message to America's bishops: Listen to Yogi
By James Post

Consecrated in Truth: No Longer Banned In Brooklyn

Support News

Working Groups Report

Parish Voice News

Events, Opportunities & News

VOTF Council Updates

I Never Expected to Feel This Way

Letters to the Editor

Books for your Short List

Faithful Friends

Printer Friendly Version

In the Vineyard Archives